For example you may need 100 enquiries to convert to 20 sales that generates £20,000 of orders each month.
Based on these figures, you need at least 4 enquiries a day for your website to be judged a success.
If you have a clear path set for the actions you want your visitors to take, you can either use web analytics to track these specific actions, or you can include tagged pages or landing pages throughout the path your visitors take and then count the number of visits to those pages using your webstats analyser tool.
You can then measure the number of visits to each page on a daily, weekly or monthly basis and compare with previous results to determine whether things are improving. As soon as unexpected results are discovered, you will be armed with enough information to make business decisions to get the results back on track.
Depending on the results, you can do things such as price changes (up or down), create or modify offers, or analyse whether the marketing material is expressing the advantages to attract the right prospect.