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Customer relationship analysis

Customer relationship analysis

How to Take Control of Your Customer Relationships and Determine your Quality Issues

Having a process to build good relationships with your customers and prospects will make business communications easy and turn your customers into great customers. 

A great customer or prospect will be someone focused on the results, have an understanding of your unique systems and processes and know that only with you will they will get a higher level of service or better product than from anywhere else. 

This exercise is performed by analysing your existing relationship with each customer or prospect type and reviewing their existing or perceived qualities. By comparing their current qualities with the desired qualities you wish they had, you can derive your 'quality issues' and plan a method of moving them from where they are to where you want them to be.

Quality issues

How to Improve the Quality of your Customer Type

Use the columns in the table below to outline your relationships with each customer type. 

Customer Type Perfect Customer QualitiesExisting Customer QualitiesQuality Issues

Customer Type:

Indicate your category of customer 

Perfect Customer Qualities:

Consider the type of relationship would like to have with each customer type. For example: direct, indirect, peer, consultant, adviser, reseller, long-term, friendly, professional, etc. 

Indicate the attributes of each customer type that would make them the perfect customer. For example: open, patient, understanding, knowledgeable, trusting, etc. 

Existing Customer Qualities:

Consider the actual relationship with your customers. For example: demanding, impatient, distant, wrong-person/department, unrealistic expectations, etc. 

Indicate the current qualities of your customer type. For example: No-time, Low-value, Not-fully-utilised, etc. 

Quality Issues:

Indicate the qualities of your customers that need improving. The idea is that if you could attract and nurture customers that had more of these qualities, you would have a better business. For example: Informed, Educated, Enthused, Active, Nurture, Confidence, Knowledgeable, Scalable, Reassured. etc 

The derived quality issues will be used to identify the subject matter needed to help educate your customers. This will be explored further in the Customer Scenario Analysis where the quality issues will be associated with customer scenarios.

Marketing Workshops

Try our marketing workshops for FREE

The first FREE introductory workshop will cover the Business Posture section of the Strategy Builder training programme. 

This 45 minute call will cover the following areas: 

  • Splitting your marketing activities into customer acquisition and customer nurturing marketing strategies 
  • Add clarity to your objectives by asserting a well defined USP 
  • Generate a business posture by presenting value and results combined with your passion to deliver 

The complete workshop programme includes Marketing Analysis, Content Marketing, Information Architecture, Improving Communication and Measuring Success. These workshops can be arranged as 45 minute telephone / Zoom calls to be held once a week (a time and day that fits). Those companies who wish to take this further can arrange one-2-one training or join an existing workshop group held on Wednesdays or Thursdays.

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