Increasing your profits is naturally orientated around improving one or more of the following goals:
- Increase your lead generation efforts to get more enquiries
- Increase your conversion rate from your enquiries to get more customers
- Increase your number of transactions per customer to get more sales
- Increase your average sale per transaction to get more revenue
- Increase your gross margin to get more profit
Your marketing strategies will outline how you plan to implement these goals and include targets and milestones in order to measure the success of your strategies.
The prospects that see these value added benefits and appreciate your motives for implementing them will become great customers because they will embrace the passion within your business. Other prospects that fail to see this will only be interested in discounted deals anyway, and not help you in your marketing strategies.
If your motives to add value and results are clearly visible, your products and services will appeal to a wider market audience. This will include larger businesses and businesses outside of your normal demographics. With a larger audience, your products will be in demand and your plans to increase margins will become easier to implement.
Adding value and results will also bring substance behind your marketing. The reasons for any offer or campaign will now be based on your motives to add value and deliver results to your customers, not to increase profit. As a consequence, your customers will be attracted to your offers and your marketing strategies will stand a higher chance of success.